Favoriting, Tracking, and Passing

HigherGov offers multiple tools to quickly manage opportunities

The below focuses on the basic tools available for quickly managing and tracking Opportunities, Awards, and other data in HigherGov. Please see the documentation on setting up pipelines and managing pursuits for more advanced options.


Most pages on HigherGov have a Favorite button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. To favorite the item, click the Favorite button once. To un-Favorite the item, click the button again. If the item is Favorited, a red heart will appear in the button.

To quickly recall your Favorited items, go to the relevant search page and select My Favorites from the dropdown.

If someone else on your team has favorited an item, this will also be visible to you on the page under the navigation bar.


Tracking allows you to receive email alerts when there is an amendment to the opportunity or award. Tracking is available for Federal Contract and Grant Opportunities and Federal Prime Contracts and Grants awards.

To track an item, click the Track button once. To un-Track the item, click the button again. If the item is Tracked, a red bell will appear in the button.

If the item is updated or amended, you will receive an email that show any key changes


Opportunities, Forecasts, and Existing Award pages will have the option to mark the item as a Pass if you are not interested. To pass on the item, click the Pass button once. To un-Pass the item, click the button again. If the item is Passed, a red Circle X will appear in the button.

To remove passed items from your search results, select the Exclude Passes dropdown in the relevant search.

If someone else on your team has passed on an item, this will also be visible to you on the page under the navigation bar.

Last updated