Zapier Integration

Quickly and easily add HigherGov opportunities as pursuits in your CRM using Zapier

Zapier integration is currently in an invite-only Beta. If you are interested in participating, please contact us.

Zapier integration requires a Standard or Leader plan subscription. If you would like to upgrade or learn more, please contact us.


Zapier Account: If you do not already have a Zapier account, you can create one here. Many users may be able to connect HigherGov to their CRM using a free Zapier account. If you expect you send more than 100 opportunities per month to your CRM (or are using Zapier for other tasks), you may require a paid plan. Pricing for a Zapier account is separate from HigherGov.

CRMs Supported by Zapier: Applications supported by Zapier are available here. HigherGov has tested Zapier with HubSpot but most CRMs that support creating "pursuits", "deals", or "opportunities" should be able to ingest HigherGov opportunities. Please contact us if there is a specific CRM you are interested in connecting with Zapier.

Creating a Zapier Pipeline in HigherGov

To create a Zapier Pipeline you must have an active HigherGov subscription and be signed in as an Admin. Select the gear icon in the upper right of the platform and select Integrations or click here.

Scroll down to Zapier Integration and click the Create Pipeline button. Give your pipeline a name and select Create. Securely save your Secret Key as it will only be available on this screen once.

Configuring Zapier

To connect HigherGov to your CRM with Zapier you will need to create a Zap. Instructions on creating a Zap are available here. As part of creating your Zap and authenticating with HigherGov, you will provide the Secret Key you created above.

Adding Pursuits to Your Zapier Pipeline

Once you have set up your Zap you can add pursuits to your Pipeline.

Find Opportunities

HigherGov has many tools to help to identify potential opportunities. See the below topics for more details on some of the available ways to identify opportunities.

Federal Prime ContractsFederal SubcontractsFederal Grants and SubgrantsState and Local Contracts

Adding Automatically

You can automatically create new pursuits from Federal and State and Local Contract Opportunity, Forecast Opportunity, DIBBS Opportunity, Grant Opportunity, SBIR Opportunity, IDV Award, Prime Contract Award, and Prime Grant Award pages by selecting the Pipeline dropdown in the upper right of the relevant page and then selecting the Zapier pipeline your previously created.

You will receive a message shortly after adding, indicating that the Pursuit has been successfully sent to Zapier using the Pipeline you selected or you will receive an error.

Last updated