Find and Analyze Federal Grants
How to Research Federal Prime Grants and Subgrant Awards
HigherGov tracks more than 8 million government grants and subgrants awarded since 2000.
Finding Grants
Finding a Specific Grant
If you already know the ID of the grant you are looking for, you can enter it into the search bar at the top of the page.
Searching for Grants
You can search for Grants and Subgrants on the Grant search page by going to Marketing Intelligence --> Awards --> Grants in the sidebar or by clicking here. Here you can search by keyword or more than 18 different filters to find grants including Agency, Grant Program, Start Date, End Date, Place of Performance, and more.

If you want to learn more about a grant you can click on the grant detail page.
Please note that subgrant data is reported by Prime grant-awardees and the consistency and quality of data is low. To enhance the quality and reliability of this data, HigherGov removes or adjusts a significant percentage of reported subgrants that are likely duplicates or otherwise inaccurate.
Grant Analysis
The sections available on the detail page will depend on the type of award and the details of the grant. The most common sections are below.
Overview: Provides general information about the award including the Awardee, Description, Grant Program (CFDA), Awarding Agency, Place of Performance, and Assistance Type.
Funding Status (Prime Only): Provides the total value of the grant and start and end dates.

Timeline (Prime Only): Graphically shows the history of obligations funded under the grant as well as the start and end dates.

History: Shows high-level details of any grant modifications (will only appear if the award has had at least one modification)
Additional Details (Prime Only): Provides additional information about the grant including the government's agency categorizations.
Finding Additional Information
Sometimes the descriptions provided by the government do not provide much detail on the type of work actually being performed under a grant. Below are resources to find additional information:
CFDA: Most grants have a linked Grant Program in the Overview section, which can provide additional detail on the program including the program's objective and eligibility.
FOIA Request: A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request can be made to the awarding agency requesting additional details on the grant.
Additional Resources
Find and Analyze Federal ContractsLast updated