Task Order Integration

Import Task Order Opportunities from eBuy, Symphony, and More into Your Opportunity Search and Pipelines

Task Order integration requires a Standard or Leader plan subscription. If you would like to upgrade or learn more, please contact us.

HigherGov enables you to automatically import your company's eBuy and Symphony opportunities into your HigherGov account. You can also set up automatic email forwarding (or manually forward) task order opportunities delivered via email to HigherGov to add those opportunities to your account.

Opportunities that have been imported will appear in your Contract Opportunity search results and can be added as pursuits to pipelines and appear in Saved Search and Daily Opportunity alerts.

To add integrations, select the gear icon in the upper right-hand of the page when signed in and select Integrations. Detailed instructions for setting up each integration are available on the page.

Please allow 1-2 business days for data to start syncing after you initially set it up. Afterward, opportunities will be synced overnight for eBuy and Symphony and within 5 minutes for email task orders.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Last updated